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Cannon Ketchup and Mustard by Matt Champness

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 Product Description


13" x 19"

A few years ago, after a thrilling weekend of snowboarding, I yearned to capture the exhilaration of standing atop a mountain, with the world sprawled below. This desire gave birth to my art – a vivid representation of the energy, excitement, adrenaline, and serenity found in these snowy sanctuaries.

My work transcends beyond mere visuals; it's about capturing the essence of the moment. Each piece is an intimate journey, bringing to life the sights of snow-clad trees, the vastness of mountains shrouded in snow, and the joyful echoes of families reveling in nature's wonder. It's about that intimate connection with the environment, where every sketch and painting embodies the emotions and sensations of being there.

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